Pondicherry University
Puducherry - 605014.
Pondicherry University,Puducherry,Department of Chemistry invites Application for the following posts.
Junior Research Fellow/Senior Reasearch Fellow : 01 Post,Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry with JRF/NET or M.Sc. in Chemistry with NET qualified for Lecture ship or M.Sc. in Chemistry with GATE for JRF/M.Sc. in Chemistry and two years research experience for SRF.
Candidates are requested to visit CSIR website for more details about the CSIR norms .
How to Apply :Candidates may send their complete bio -data (includinge-mail ID and cell number), duly attested copies of certificates and relevant documents to the Principal Investigator, Dr.Binoy Krishna Saha,Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry,Pondicherry University, Puducherry,.E- mail: binoypu@yahoo.co.in by post as well as e-mail on or before 14/06/2013 (14 June 2013).
for more information visit http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/sites/default/files/chemistry270513.pdf
Puducherry - 605014.
Pondicherry University,Puducherry,Department of Chemistry invites Application for the following posts.
Junior Research Fellow/Senior Reasearch Fellow : 01 Post,Qualification : M.Sc. in Chemistry with JRF/NET or M.Sc. in Chemistry with NET qualified for Lecture ship or M.Sc. in Chemistry with GATE for JRF/M.Sc. in Chemistry and two years research experience for SRF.
Candidates are requested to visit CSIR website for more details about the CSIR norms .
How to Apply :Candidates may send their complete bio -data (includinge-mail ID and cell number), duly attested copies of certificates and relevant documents to the Principal Investigator, Dr.Binoy Krishna Saha,Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry,Pondicherry University, Puducherry,.E- mail: binoypu@yahoo.co.in by post as well as e-mail on or before 14/06/2013 (14 June 2013).
for more information visit http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/sites/default/files/chemistry270513.pdf
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