Pampa Mahakavi Road, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru-560018.
Karnataka Samskrit University invites application for the following posts.
Karnataka Samskrit University, Bengaluru payable at Bengaluru. (50% processing fee in case of
SC/ST & Cat-I).
How to Apply : Duly filled Applications in FOUR sets (One original filled in application form and three Xerox copies with all enclosures) should reach the Registrar, Karnataka Samskrit University,Pampa Mahakavi Road, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru-560018, Karnataka on or before 22/06/2013 (22 June 2013).
for more information visit http://ksu.ac.in/Images/KSU/Administration/notifications/Associate,%20Assistant%20Professor%20and%20Librarian%20Post%20Notification.pdf
for Application form visit http://ksu.ac.in/Images/KSU/Administration/notifications/Associate,%20Assistant%20Professor%20and%20Librarian%20Post%20Application%20Form.docx
Pampa Mahakavi Road, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru-560018.
Karnataka Samskrit University invites application for the following posts.
- Associate Professor(Shastra-02,Language-02,Vedanta-02) : 06 Posts,Qualification :55% of the marks, or equivalent grade wherever grading system is followed at the Master’s degree level.Good academic record with Ph.D. degree through course work in the concerned/allied /relevant disciplines.A minimum of 5 years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University/College or Accredited Research Institution/industry excluding the period of Ph.D. research with evidence of published work and aminimum of 5 publications as books and/or research/policy papers in indexed/ISBN/ ISSN numbered books/journals.Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology-mediated teaching learning process with evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students.A minimum score (75 in Cat I, 15 in Cat II and 300 in Cat III) as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) developed by UGC in its Regulations.Distinguished and eminent having acquired high repute for propagation and dissemination of the Sanskrit knowledge.,Payscale : Rs.37,400 – 67,400 + Academic Grade Pay.
- Assistant Professor(Shastra-04,Language-04,Vedanta-04) : 12 Posts,Qualification :Good academic record as defined by the concerned University with at least 55% of the marks or equivalent grade wherever grading system is practiced at the Master’s degree level in a relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign UniversityBesides fulfilling the above qualification, the candidate should have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar tests accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET.Holders of Ph.D. degree as on the date of Notification of UGC Regulations, along with those candidates who are awarded a Ph.D. degree through a process of admission, registration, course work and external evaluation as laid down in the UGC (Minimum Standards and procedures for award of M.phil./Ph.D. Regulations, 2009 and so adopted by the university, shall be exempted from NET/SLET/SET.Distinguished and eminent having acquired high repute for propagation and disseminating of the Sanskrit knowledge.,Payscale : Rs.15,600 – 39,100 + Academic Grade Pay
- Librarian : 01 Post,Qualification : Master’s degree in Library Science/Information Science with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade for 55% where grading system is practiced.A Ph.D. in the above discipline and/or allied discipline with a consistently good academic record.A minimum of 15 years of teaching /librarian experience of which at least 5 years experience as Deputy Librarian in a University Library or 10 years experience as Assistant Librarian in the University or as College Librarian.
Karnataka Samskrit University, Bengaluru payable at Bengaluru. (50% processing fee in case of
SC/ST & Cat-I).
How to Apply : Duly filled Applications in FOUR sets (One original filled in application form and three Xerox copies with all enclosures) should reach the Registrar, Karnataka Samskrit University,Pampa Mahakavi Road, Chamarajpet, Bengaluru-560018, Karnataka on or before 22/06/2013 (22 June 2013).
for more information visit http://ksu.ac.in/Images/KSU/Administration/notifications/Associate,%20Assistant%20Professor%20and%20Librarian%20Post%20Notification.pdf
for Application form visit http://ksu.ac.in/Images/KSU/Administration/notifications/Associate,%20Assistant%20Professor%20and%20Librarian%20Post%20Application%20Form.docx
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