Wednesday, April 17, 2013

ONGC Karaikal-Field Operator-Recruitment April 2013


ONGC Karaikal invites application for the post of Field Operator for engagement in different operations at Onshore for Cauvery Asset, Karaikal to meet the requirements of the work plan for Hydrocarbon Blocks awarded to ONGC at Cauvery Asset, Karaikal through NELP bidding. The job demands outdoor field work in shifts requiring considerable physical efforts and technical skills, and frequent relocation as demanded by the semi-mobile nature of the operations to any Onshore/Offshore locations within the Country. The details of post are given below:

  • Field Operator : 12 (SC-03;GEN:08;ST:01)Posts,Qualification : (1) High School (Class X) Pass & (2) ITI Trade Certificate in Fitting / Diesel / Turner / Machining / Welding / Diesel Mechanic / Mechanic (Diesel vehicle) / Mechanic (Motor vehicle) with 60% marks in ITI for Gen & OBC Candidates & 50% marks for SC/ST candidates.,Remuneration : Rs.26,700 (Consolidated),Agelimit : 30 years as on 20/04/2013.
Fee : The candidates have to deposit the Registration Fee, after filling the details in the challan form like Branch Name, Branch code & Deposit date, in any of the branch of State Bank of India Rs.300/- for GEN /OBC candidates, Rs. 100/- for SC /ST candidates in ONGC Account No. 30827318409. Branch Code: 1576.

How to Apply : Apply through online in before 06/05/2013 (6 May 2013) take a print out of your Registration Slip, which will have unique Registration Number, your basic details like name, category, post applied for and test centre opted, space for photograph, signature, and other details of the candidates filled by the candidate.

Candidates have to send
1. Printed Registration slip with affixed recent photograph (3.5 x 4.5 Cms with white background) and signature in the space provided.
2. Departmental Candidates, Contingent Workers who are paid wages directly by ONGC, required to get the Registration Slip Certified / duly signed by the I/C HR-ER or his duly authorized representative before forwarding, duly indicating the period of experience without which such application will be rejected.
3. Ex Apprentices of ONGC to attach copy of the requisite Apprentice Training Certificate of ONGC.
4. ONGC’s copy of the SBI payment challan form with bank seal.
5. Departmental candidates and working in ONGC would also be required to pay the applicable Registration Fee. However, the same would be reimbursable. They have to send copy of their Identity card also.
6. Copy of Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC (along with Non-creamy layer Certificate in case of OBC).
7. Attested Photostat Copies of Educational / Technical qualification Certificates and Mark Lists.
8. Attested Copy of Proof of Date of Birth
9. Attested Copy of Heavy Vehicle Driving Licence
10. Attested Copy of Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card

Envelope containing the Documents duly superscribed as:
“Karaikal/ - Application for the post of Field Operators”
is to be sent by Ordinary Post (since Post Box do not accept Regd Post/Speed Post/Courier Service) to the following Address : To: The Advertiser (ONGC-SS) ,P.O. Box: 9248,Krishna Nagar Head Post Office,DELHI - 110 051 on before 16/05/2013 (16 May 2013).

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