Sunday, April 21, 2013

AMU-Aligarh-Faculty-Recruitment-April 2013


Aligarh Muslim University invites application for the following posts.

  • Professor/Principal : 04 Posts,Payscale : Rs.37,400 - 67,000 + GP Rs.10,000.

1.Principal, Women's College (1)
1.  A Master's Degree with at least 55% marks ( or an equivalent grade in a  point scale wherever grading  system is followed)by a recognized University.
2.  A  Ph.D. Degree in concerned /allied/relevant  discipline(s) in the Institution  concerned with evidence of published work and research guidance.
3.  Associate  Professor /Professor with  a total experience  of fifteen   years   of   teaching/Research/administration   in Universities Colleges  and  other  institutions  of   higher  education.
4.   A  minimum score as stipulated in the  Academic  Performance indicator  (API)  based Performance Based  Appraisal  System (PBAS)  as  set out in this Regulation in Appendix  III  for direct recruitment of Professor in Colleges.

 2.Principal, J.N. Medical College Hospital (1)
Should possess the recognised postgraduate Medical qualification and  other academic qualification from a recognised  institution with   a   minimum   of  ten  years   teaching   experience   as Professor/Associate Professor/Reader in a Medical College/Instt. out  of  which at least five years should be as Professor  in  a Deptt.  Preference  for the appointment may be given  to  the Head of the Department.

 3.Principal, Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology (1)
Ph.D. with first Class Degree in Bachelor's or Master's level  15 years experience in Teaching /Industry/ Research out of which at least 5 years must be at the level of Professor or above.
In  addition, the candidate should be an eminent person  in  the field.
Candidate  from  Industry / Profession with  Master's  Degree  in Engineering  /  Technology and with Professional  work  which  is significant  & can be recognised as equivalent to  Ph.D.  Degree with 15 years experience out of which atleast 5 years should  be at a senior level comparable to that of  a Professor would  also be eligible.
Desirable: Administrative  experience  in  a   responsible position.

 4.Professor  of  Mechanical Engineering  (Combustion  Engineering), in the Dept of Mechanical Engineering (1)
i.  A  Ph.D. degree with first class at Bachelor's  OR  Master's degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering & Technology and experience  of ten years in Teaching, research  and/or  Industry, out  of  which  at least Five years at the  level  of  Associate Professor, Reader or equivalent Grade.
ii.In  the  event  the  candidate  is  from  industry  and   the profession, the following shall constitute as essential:
1.  First  Class Master's Degree in the  appropriate  branch  of Engineering & Tech.
2.  Significant  professional work which can be  recognized  as equivalent  to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of  Engg.  & Tech. and Industrial / Professional experience of Ten years, out of  which  at least five years at a senior  level  of  Associate Professor /Reader, Provided that the recognition for significant recommended  unanimously  by  a 3 Member  Committee  of  Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.
iii. Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable:
1. Teaching, research industrial and /or professional experience in reputed organization;
2.  Published  work,  such as  research  papers,  patents  filed /obtained, books, and/or technical reports;
3.  Experience of guiding the project work/ dissertation of  PG/ Research Students or supervising R&D projects in industry;
4. Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing  academic, research, industrial and/or professional activities; and
5.  Capacity to undertake/ lead sponsored R&D,  Consultancy  and related activities.

  • Associate Professor : 03 Posts,Payscale : Rs.37,400 - 67,000 + GP Rs.9,000.

1.Associate  Professor  in Civil Engg.,Dept  of Civil Engg. (1)
A.  Ph.D.  degree  with First Class at  Bachelor's  or  Master's degree in the appropriate branch of Engg. & Tech. and experience of  eight  years in teaching, research and/or  industry  at  the level  of  Lecturer/ Assistant Professor  or  equivalent  grade, excluding period spent on obtaining the research degree.
ii.  In  the  event  the candidate  is  from  industry  and  the profession, the following shall constitute as essential:
1.  First  Class  Master's Degree in the appropriate  branch  of Engineering and Technology.
2.  Significant  professional  work which can be  recognized  as equivalent to a Ph.D. Degree in appropriate branch of  Engg. and  Technology and industrial /professional  experience  of eight  years  in  a  position equivalent  to  the  level  of Lecturer/ Assistant Professor.
Provided that the recognition for significant profesional  shall be  valid  only if the same is recommended unanimously by  a  3-Member Committee of Experts appointed by the Vice-Chancellor  of the University.
iii.Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable:
1. Teaching, research industrial and/or professional  experience in a reputed organization;
2. Published  work,  such  as research  papers,  patents  filed/ obtained, books, and technical reports;
3. Experience  of guiding the project work/ dissertation of  PG/ Research Students or supervising R&D projets in industry.

2.Associate Professor in Applied Chemistry, Dept of Applied Chemistry (1)
Good  Academic  Record with atleast 55% marks of  an  equivalent CGPA  at  the  Master's Level and Ph.D Degree  in  the  relevant subject.
05  years experience in teaching and/ OR Research excluding  the period spent for obtaining the degree and has made some mark  in the area of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation design of new course  and curricula.

  • Assistant Professor : 03 Posts,Payscale : Rs.15,600 - 39,100 + GP Rs.6,000.

 1.Asistant Professor Applied Physics Nanotechnology,  Dept of  Applied Physics  (1)
(i) Good academic record as defined by the concerned  university with at least 55% marks (on an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever  grading  system is followed) at  the  Master's  Degree level  in the relevant subject from an Indian University, or  an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university;
(ii) Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the  candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET)  conducted by  the  UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by  the  UGC  like SLET/SET;
(iii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clauses (i)  and (ii)  above,  candidates, who are or have been awarded  a  Ph.D. degree  in  accordance  with the  University  Grants  Commission (Minimum  Standards  and Procedure for Award  of  Ph.D.  degree) Regulations, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of  the minimum  eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET  for  recruitment and  appointment of Assistant Professor of equivalent  positions Universities/ Colleges/ Institutions;
(iv)   NET/SLET/SET shall also not be required for such  Masters Programmes   in  disciplines  for  which  NET/SLET/SET  is   not conducted.

2.Assistant Professor, UGC Academic Staff College (1)
Qualification  Essential :-
(i) Good academic record as defined by the concerned  university with  at least 55% marks (on an equivalent grade in a  point scale  wherever grading system is followed) at the  Master's Degree  level  in  the  relevant  subject  from  an   Indian University,  or  an  equivalent degree  from  an  accredited foreign university;
(ii) Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the  candidate must  have  cleared  the  National  Eligibility  Test  (NET) conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET;
(iii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-clauses (i)  and (ii) above, candidates, who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. degree  in accordance with the University Grants  Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D.  degree) Regulations, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement  of the  minimum  eligibility  condition  of  NET/SLET/SET   for recruitment  and  appointment  of  Assistant  Professor   of equivalent positions Universities/ Colleges/ Institutions;
(iv) NET/SLET/SET  shall also not be required for  such  Masters Programmes  in  disciplines for which  NET/SLET/SET  is  not conducted.
Desirabe :
1 Persons  with the essential Qualifications and  with  Master's degree   in  Science/  Life  Sciences/Arts/  Social   Science/ Commerce/ Management will be preferred.
2.Organising  capability with the experience of  organising  the     UGC  Academic Staff College Refresher/ Orientation  Programme/ Short  Term  course or such programmes by any  other  national agency.
3.Publications on Higher Education / Teachers' Training.
4.Adequate  knowledge  of Computer with experience  of  managing Computer Lab.

3. Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Dept of Mechanical  Engineering (1)
First Class Master's Degree in appropriate branch of Engineering (Engg.) and Technology (Tech.)
ii.Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions  may be considered desirable:
1. Teaching, research industrial and /or professional experience in a reputed organization;
2. Paper presented at Conferences and/ or in Refereed journals.

  •  Lady  Superintendent (Resident), Ahmadi School for the  Visually Challenged:01 Post,Payscale : Rs.9,300 - 34,800 + GP Rs.4,200

Fee : Demand draft of Rs. 150/- payable  to  Finance Officer,  AMU,  Aligarh  at State Bank  of  India,  AMU  Branch, Aligarh.

How to Apply : Application Completed in all respect as per the  above  manner  may either be delivered  personally  at  the Reception  Counter  of  Administrative Block or  sent  by  post, superscribing on the top left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement  number  and  date, to  the  Assistant  Registrar, (Selection  Committee),  Aligarh  Muslim  University,   Aligarh-202002, so as to reach on or before   09/05/2013 (9 May 2013).

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