SBI Clerk Exam Jan 2011 Model Paper
1. During the firs of 2010-2011, which of the indirect tax registered the maximum growth?
1) Excise Duty 2) Custom Duty g
3) Service Tax I
4) All show almost same growth
5) None of the above
2. At present what is the FlBl’s share in NABARD equity?
1) 99% · 2) 51% 3) 49% 4) 1% =
5) None of the above _
3. The newly introduced Indian Flupee Symbol is based on-
1) Ftoman Script 2) Devnagri Script
3) Both (1) and(2) 4) Sanskrit Script
5) None of the above
4. Which of the following animal has been declared as “National Heritage Animal” in october 2010 by the Union Government?
1) Tiger 2) Elephant 3) Lion `
4) Camel 5) None of the above
5. National Green Tribunal (NGT) has been constituted in october 2010. Who has been appointed its first Chief?
1) Lokeshewar sirtgh
2) S.k.Puri
3) Y.S.Dadvval
4) Anil K. Pandey
5) None of the above
6. ln Economic Times Corporate Excellence if Awards 2010, who has been declared “Business Leader of the year?
1) Fl.C Bhargava (lvlaruti Suzuki)
2) Aditya Puri (l-IDFC Bank)
3) lvlukesh Ambani (Fill.)
4) Flatan Tata (Tata group)
5) None of the above
7. On which day, the first world statistics day was celebrated?
1) October 18, 2010 2) October 19, 2010 `
3) October 20, 2010 4) October 21, 2010 5) None of the above
8. Which of the following state became the first -
state to introduce public service Guarantee Act 2010?
1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Gujarat 3) Bihar
4) Haryana 5) None of the above
9. The Goods and service Tax (GST) proposed -
to be introduced in 2011 covers taxes like-
1) Trade I Sales Tax 2) Service Tax .
3) Service, Excise etc. ?
4) Excise, Service, VAT etc.
5) None of the above
10. Newly inaugurated helpline “Udyami” is to assist—
1) Micro, small and medium enterprises
2) Large Capital Industries
3) Only female entrepreneur
4.) Farmers introduci_ng technology in framing .
5) None of the above
11.Which ofthe following nation is not apart of TAPI Gas pipeline project?
1) Afghanistan 2) India 3) Pakistan
4) Turkmenistan 5) None of the above
12. In which nation, the two day summit of Finance ministers of G-20 nations was held in october 2010?
1) India 2) South Korea 3) China Q
4) Canada 5) None of the above
13. Government has formed a high level intra finance committee under the chairmanship of-
1) Y.B.Fleddy 2) Fiakesh Mohan
3) C.Ftangrajan 4) Y.K.Alagh
5) None of the above Q
14. Human Development Fieport 2010 classifies India in the “Medium Human Development” category and places at …… rank out of 169 countries. .
Q 1) 116 2) 117 3) 118 4) 119 5) None
Q15. Which country Stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index (HDI) rankings of 169 nations in Human Development Fieport 2010?
1) Norway 2) Australia 3) New Zealand Q
4) United States 5) None of the above
16. Which of the private telecom operator became the first to introduce 3G service in Q the country? .
1) Airtel 2) Docomo 3) Aircei
4) Vodafone 5) None of the above
17. 17th ASEAN summit was concluded on october 30, 2010 in-
1) Singapore 2) Kuala Lumpur 3) Hanoi 4) Manila 5) None of the above
18. Which of the following markets are independently regulated by forward market commissions?
1) Mutual- Funds- 2) Commodity Exchanges
3) Stock Market
4) Foreign Exchange Markets 5) None
19. Youth Festival 2011 will be organised in january 2011 at
1) Goa 2) Udaipur 3) Bhubaneswar
4) Hyderabad 5) None of the above
20. As per the new guidelines issued by SEBI companies are required to list shares with in how many days of the closure of the Initial Q public offers (IPOs)?
1) 12 days 2) 15 days _ 3)21 days .
4) 30 days 5) None of the above
21 “Smart Money” is a term used for
1) Internet Banking 2) FDBs in Banks
3) Credit Cards E
4) Demand drafts of Banks 5) None
22. Who amongst the following is the author of the Book Decision Points?
1) George W.Bush 2) Barack Obama
3) Sarah Palin 4) Nelson Mandela
5) None of the above
23. Consider the following Statements:
A. Bobert Edwards, the British scientists pioneering Fiesearch with his late colleague Patrick Steptoe led tothe birth of , the worId’s “first testtube baby” in 1978.
B. Fiobert Edwards has won 2010 Noble Prize for Medicine.
1) Only A is correct 2) Only B is correct
3) Both 1 & 2 are correct
4) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct 5) None
24. The 8th Summit ot the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) was recently held at which ot the following place?
1) Geneva 2) Washington
3) London 4) Brussels 5)None
25. Who among the tollowing is the founder of wikileaks?
1) P.J Crowley 2) Adrian Lamo_
3) Bradley Manning 4) Julian Assange E
5) None of the above
26. Match the Following
A. Sudha Singh
B. Pankaj Advani
C. Vikas Krishnan
List -ll
1. Boxing
2. Athletics
3. Billiards
1) 1 2 3
3) 3 1 2
A B C =
2) 2 3 1
4) 2 1 3
5) None ot the above -
27. Which one of the following is not got recently “‘Maharatna States’?
1) NTPC 2) ONGC 3) lOL
28. Which of the following monument of Inida has recently been inscri-bed in the UNESCO’S world heritage list?
1) Jantar Mantar ot Ujjain
2) Jantar Mantar of Delhi
3) Jantar Mantar ot Jaipur
4) Jantar Mantar ot Varanasi
5) None ot the above
29. Environment and Forest Ministry has set up a Committee to took at the Implementation of the Forest Bight Act under the chairman ship of
1) Kanti Lal Bhuria 2) Jairam Ramesh
3) U.Fl. Anandamurthy 4) N.C. Saxena
5) None ofthe above
30. Hari loss or other side ettects on cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy is set to become a thing ofthe past. Which of the following drugs, reduce the side effects by ; 75% on cancer patients, will be soon in the i indian Market?
1) 2-deoxy – D — glucose
2) 3-deoxy – D – glucose
31. What is full form of AFSPA 1958 Recently came into News’?
1) Armed forces Special powers Act
2) Air Forces Special powers Act
3) Anti Forces Special powers Act
4) Armed Forces Super powers Act
5) None of the above
32. Which one of the personalities not awarded Jnanpith Awards Recently?
1) Rajendra kelekar 2) O.N.V. Kurup
3) Akhlaq Khan Shahryar
4) Deep joshi 5) None of the above
33. Which one of the following day declared as the international day for the Elimination of violence against women by United Nations General Assembly.
1) 23, November 2) 24, November .
3) 25, November 4) 25, November
5) None of the above
34. The yeonpyeng Island is lies along the disputed maritime border of the
1) Eastern coast of Korean Peninsula
2) Western coast of Korean Peninsula
3) Northern coast of Jaffna Peninsula
4) Southern coast of Jaffna Peninsula
35. Aung san sue kyi who was freed from seven years under house arrest on November 13, 2010 leads which party in Z Myanmar?
1) National League for Democracy
2) National Union Party
3) The Union Solidarity and Development Party
4) The National Democratic Force.
5) None of the above
36. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) inscribes three Indian performing art form. in the representative list of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. What are these?
1) lvludiyettu, Chhau and Kathak
2) Chhau, lvludiyettu and Kalbeli folk songs and Dance of Rajasthan.
3) Chhau, Kalbeli folk songs and Dance of
Flajasthan and Gotipua.
4) lvtediyettu, Gotipua and Kathak
37. The Sabla or Flajiv Gandhi scheme to Adolescent Girls which launched recently to based on integrated child Development services platform targeting the girls in between 5 which age?
1) 12-17 years of age 2) 12-18 years of age a
3) 11 -17 years of age 4) 11-18 years of age =
5) None of the above -
38. Consider the following statements.
1. indian Economy grew by 8.9% during first half of the fiscal year 2010-11
2. Manufacturing and the farm sector were ‘ the major contributors.
3. The farm sector grew by 4.4% inthe second quarter of the fiscal year 2010-11. ‘ Which is! are correct?
1)1&3 2)2&3 3)1onIy 4)1,2&3 5) None of the above
39. Agni-ll has a range of
1) 700 km 2) 1500 km
3) More than 2000 km 5
4) More than 3000 km 5) None
40. Which of the following represent the correct order of the Total medal tally in the common wealth Games 2010?
1) Australia – England – India – Canada _
2) Australia – India – England – Canada f
3) Australia — Canada – England – India
4) England – Australia – India — Canada 5
5) None of the above
Directions (Q. 41-55): What should come in j place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
41. 298.84 + 12.98 +5328.29 = ?
1) 5679.39 2) 5638.29 3) 5640.09 5
4) 5641.49 5) None of these

42. 3753 4 27 4 25 4 2
1)139 2)127 3) 264 4)1315)134
1) 1568 2) 10368 3) 96 4) 578 5) 32
53.5/7 of 3/8 of 4/5 of 238=?
1) 17 2) 153 3) 34 4) 51 5) None of these
54.12.25 * 1.6+ 3.5 * 2.4=’?
1) 28 2) 28.6 3) 149.94 4) 41.64 5) None of these
1) 156 2) 3024 3) 4128 4) 6048 · 5) None of these
Directions (Q.56—70): What should come in place of the question mark (’?) in the following number series questions?
56 3 5 9 ? 33 65
1) 18 2) 15 3) 17 4) 26 5) None
57. 34 ? 39 48 64 89
1) 32 2) 38 3) 37 4) 29 5) 35
58 .21 41 so 157 310 2
1) 615 2) 625 3) 616
4) 619 5) None of these
59. 652 436 311 ? 220 212
1) 252 2) 238 3) 298
4) 247 s) 265
60.? 124 60 28 12 4
1) 250 2) 252 3) 248
4) 254 5) None of these
61 . A sum of money fetches Hs.65280 as comi-pound interest at the rate of 4 p.c.p.a. at the end of two years. What is the sum’?
1) Fts.6000 2) Rs.4000
s) Fts.8000 4) 1%.5000
5) Noneof these f
62. It 20% is reduced from the first number, it becomes three-fourth of the second number. What is the respective ratio between first number to the second number’?
1)15:1G 2) 12:13 3)16:`15
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
63. What is the average of the following set of numbers?
142 156 132 155 146 122
1)136 2)132 )1484) 139 5) None of these
64. It 36 men can complete a piece ot work in 526 days, in how many days can 24 men omplete that work?
1) 16 days 2) 32 days g
3) 39 days 4) 48 days
5) None of these
65. A 310m long train running at 64 kmph speed crosses a bridge in 27 seconds. Find the length of the bridge.
1) 480m 2) 270m 3) 300m
4) 170m 5) 350m
66. The cost of 6 note books and 9 pens is Rs 204. What is the cost ot 14 note books and 21 pens?
1) Fts.334 2) Rs. 476 3) Fls. 238 §
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
67. Sum ot tive consecutive even numbers is 220. What is the second number in descending order?
1) 40 2) 42 3) 48 4) 44 5) None of these
68. A man spends 30% ot his monthly salary on rent, 15% ot his monthly salary on provisions and 25% of his monthly salary on buying cloths. lf he saves Rs.1860, find his annual salary.
1) RS.6200 2)Rs.310O
3) Rs.r4400 4) Rs.72000 it 5) None oi these
69. The difference between 47% of a number and 78% of the same number is 5130. What is 35% ot that number?
1) 24300 2) 12630 3) 9363
4) 11178 s) None of these
70. A shop keeper sells an article tor Rs.874 What is the cost price ot that article?
1) Rs.760 2 Rs.740 3) Rs.750 4) Rs.748 5) None ot these
Directions (Q. 71-75): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow.Following table gives the number of two wheelers (in thousands) produced by Five companies A, B, C, D and E over the years.

71. The percentage lead in the production of two wheelers by company ‘C’ from 2007 to 2008 was-
1) 20% 2) 30% 3) 25% 4) 17.5% 5) 33 1/3%
1. In which of the following companies was the production of two wheelers continuously increase over the years?
1) c 2) D 3) E 4) A 5) None of these
73. In which of the following years was the production of two wheelers of atl the compa- nies put together the maximum?
1)2009 2) 2006 3) 2004 4) 2008 5) 2005
74. Number of two wheelers produced by company ‘B’ in 2007 is approximately what per- cent of the total number of two wheelers produced by the same company in all the years together?
1) 35% 2) 20% 3) 60% 4) 15% 5) 25%
75. What is the respective ratio between the total number of two wheelers produced by companies B and D together in 2006 and the same companies together in 20®‘?
1) 23:21 2) 20:23 3) 20:21 4) 19:20 ‘ 6) 21:20
76. The present ages of Abhi and Ftishi are in the ratio 8:1 respectively. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will be 9:2 respectively. What is the present age of Abhi?
1) 36 2) 32 3) 48 4) B 5) None
77. In an examination it is required to get 40% f the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 126 marks and is declared failed by 32 marks. What are the maximum aggregate Emarks a student can get ?
1) 800 2) 600 3) 400 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
78. A sum of money is divided among A, B, and C in the ratio of 2:5:4 respectively. If the share of C is Bs. 240 less than B, then what is the total amount of money?
1) Rs.2640 2) Rs.2150 3) Rs.26B0 4) Rs.295O 5) None of these
79. Number obtained by interchanging the dig its of a two digit number is more than the. original number by 54 and the sum of the digits is 10. What is the original number?
1) 82 2) 37 3) 46 4) 28 5) None
1)2 2)4 B)3 4)2 5)1 6)2 7)3 8)1 9)4 10)1 11)1 12)2 13)2 14)4 15)1 16)2 17)3 18)2 19)2 20)1 21)3 22)1 23)3 24)4 25)4 26)2 27)5 28)3 29)4 30)1 31)1 32)4 B3)3 34)2 35)1 36)2 3)4 38)4 39)3 40)1 41)4 42)5 43)2 44)4 45)3 46)4 47)1
48)3 49)1 50)2 5t)2 E2)5 53)4 54)1 55)4 58)3 57)5 58)1 59)4 60)2 61)3 62)) 63)4 64)3 65)4 66)2 67)5 68)3 69)4 70)1 71)5 72)3 73)4 74)2 75)5 76)2 77)3 78)1 79)4
1. During the firs of 2010-2011, which of the indirect tax registered the maximum growth?
1) Excise Duty 2) Custom Duty g
3) Service Tax I
4) All show almost same growth
5) None of the above
2. At present what is the FlBl’s share in NABARD equity?
1) 99% · 2) 51% 3) 49% 4) 1% =
5) None of the above _
3. The newly introduced Indian Flupee Symbol is based on-
1) Ftoman Script 2) Devnagri Script
3) Both (1) and(2) 4) Sanskrit Script
5) None of the above
4. Which of the following animal has been declared as “National Heritage Animal” in october 2010 by the Union Government?
1) Tiger 2) Elephant 3) Lion `
4) Camel 5) None of the above
5. National Green Tribunal (NGT) has been constituted in october 2010. Who has been appointed its first Chief?
1) Lokeshewar sirtgh
2) S.k.Puri
3) Y.S.Dadvval
4) Anil K. Pandey
5) None of the above
6. ln Economic Times Corporate Excellence if Awards 2010, who has been declared “Business Leader of the year?
1) Fl.C Bhargava (lvlaruti Suzuki)
2) Aditya Puri (l-IDFC Bank)
3) lvlukesh Ambani (Fill.)
4) Flatan Tata (Tata group)
5) None of the above
7. On which day, the first world statistics day was celebrated?
1) October 18, 2010 2) October 19, 2010 `
3) October 20, 2010 4) October 21, 2010 5) None of the above
8. Which of the following state became the first -
state to introduce public service Guarantee Act 2010?
1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Gujarat 3) Bihar
4) Haryana 5) None of the above
9. The Goods and service Tax (GST) proposed -
to be introduced in 2011 covers taxes like-
1) Trade I Sales Tax 2) Service Tax .
3) Service, Excise etc. ?
4) Excise, Service, VAT etc.
5) None of the above
10. Newly inaugurated helpline “Udyami” is to assist—
1) Micro, small and medium enterprises
2) Large Capital Industries
3) Only female entrepreneur
4.) Farmers introduci_ng technology in framing .
5) None of the above
11.Which ofthe following nation is not apart of TAPI Gas pipeline project?
1) Afghanistan 2) India 3) Pakistan
4) Turkmenistan 5) None of the above
12. In which nation, the two day summit of Finance ministers of G-20 nations was held in october 2010?
1) India 2) South Korea 3) China Q
4) Canada 5) None of the above
13. Government has formed a high level intra finance committee under the chairmanship of-
1) Y.B.Fleddy 2) Fiakesh Mohan
3) C.Ftangrajan 4) Y.K.Alagh
5) None of the above Q
14. Human Development Fieport 2010 classifies India in the “Medium Human Development” category and places at …… rank out of 169 countries. .
Q 1) 116 2) 117 3) 118 4) 119 5) None
Q15. Which country Stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index (HDI) rankings of 169 nations in Human Development Fieport 2010?
1) Norway 2) Australia 3) New Zealand Q
4) United States 5) None of the above
16. Which of the private telecom operator became the first to introduce 3G service in Q the country? .
1) Airtel 2) Docomo 3) Aircei
4) Vodafone 5) None of the above
17. 17th ASEAN summit was concluded on october 30, 2010 in-
1) Singapore 2) Kuala Lumpur 3) Hanoi 4) Manila 5) None of the above
18. Which of the following markets are independently regulated by forward market commissions?
1) Mutual- Funds- 2) Commodity Exchanges
3) Stock Market
4) Foreign Exchange Markets 5) None
19. Youth Festival 2011 will be organised in january 2011 at
1) Goa 2) Udaipur 3) Bhubaneswar
4) Hyderabad 5) None of the above
20. As per the new guidelines issued by SEBI companies are required to list shares with in how many days of the closure of the Initial Q public offers (IPOs)?
1) 12 days 2) 15 days _ 3)21 days .
4) 30 days 5) None of the above
21 “Smart Money” is a term used for
1) Internet Banking 2) FDBs in Banks
3) Credit Cards E
4) Demand drafts of Banks 5) None
22. Who amongst the following is the author of the Book Decision Points?
1) George W.Bush 2) Barack Obama
3) Sarah Palin 4) Nelson Mandela
5) None of the above
23. Consider the following Statements:
A. Bobert Edwards, the British scientists pioneering Fiesearch with his late colleague Patrick Steptoe led tothe birth of , the worId’s “first testtube baby” in 1978.
B. Fiobert Edwards has won 2010 Noble Prize for Medicine.
1) Only A is correct 2) Only B is correct
3) Both 1 & 2 are correct
4) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct 5) None
24. The 8th Summit ot the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) was recently held at which ot the following place?
1) Geneva 2) Washington
3) London 4) Brussels 5)None
25. Who among the tollowing is the founder of wikileaks?
1) P.J Crowley 2) Adrian Lamo_
3) Bradley Manning 4) Julian Assange E
5) None of the above
26. Match the Following
A. Sudha Singh
B. Pankaj Advani
C. Vikas Krishnan
List -ll
1. Boxing
2. Athletics
3. Billiards
1) 1 2 3
3) 3 1 2
A B C =
2) 2 3 1
4) 2 1 3
5) None ot the above -
27. Which one of the following is not got recently “‘Maharatna States’?
1) NTPC 2) ONGC 3) lOL
28. Which of the following monument of Inida has recently been inscri-bed in the UNESCO’S world heritage list?
1) Jantar Mantar ot Ujjain
2) Jantar Mantar of Delhi
3) Jantar Mantar ot Jaipur
4) Jantar Mantar ot Varanasi
5) None ot the above
29. Environment and Forest Ministry has set up a Committee to took at the Implementation of the Forest Bight Act under the chairman ship of
1) Kanti Lal Bhuria 2) Jairam Ramesh
3) U.Fl. Anandamurthy 4) N.C. Saxena
5) None ofthe above
30. Hari loss or other side ettects on cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy is set to become a thing ofthe past. Which of the following drugs, reduce the side effects by ; 75% on cancer patients, will be soon in the i indian Market?
1) 2-deoxy – D — glucose
2) 3-deoxy – D – glucose
31. What is full form of AFSPA 1958 Recently came into News’?
1) Armed forces Special powers Act
2) Air Forces Special powers Act
3) Anti Forces Special powers Act
4) Armed Forces Super powers Act
5) None of the above
32. Which one of the personalities not awarded Jnanpith Awards Recently?
1) Rajendra kelekar 2) O.N.V. Kurup
3) Akhlaq Khan Shahryar
4) Deep joshi 5) None of the above
33. Which one of the following day declared as the international day for the Elimination of violence against women by United Nations General Assembly.
1) 23, November 2) 24, November .
3) 25, November 4) 25, November
5) None of the above
34. The yeonpyeng Island is lies along the disputed maritime border of the
1) Eastern coast of Korean Peninsula
2) Western coast of Korean Peninsula
3) Northern coast of Jaffna Peninsula
4) Southern coast of Jaffna Peninsula
35. Aung san sue kyi who was freed from seven years under house arrest on November 13, 2010 leads which party in Z Myanmar?
1) National League for Democracy
2) National Union Party
3) The Union Solidarity and Development Party
4) The National Democratic Force.
5) None of the above
36. The UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) inscribes three Indian performing art form. in the representative list of the intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. What are these?
1) lvludiyettu, Chhau and Kathak
2) Chhau, lvludiyettu and Kalbeli folk songs and Dance of Rajasthan.
3) Chhau, Kalbeli folk songs and Dance of
Flajasthan and Gotipua.
4) lvtediyettu, Gotipua and Kathak
37. The Sabla or Flajiv Gandhi scheme to Adolescent Girls which launched recently to based on integrated child Development services platform targeting the girls in between 5 which age?
1) 12-17 years of age 2) 12-18 years of age a
3) 11 -17 years of age 4) 11-18 years of age =
5) None of the above -
38. Consider the following statements.
1. indian Economy grew by 8.9% during first half of the fiscal year 2010-11
2. Manufacturing and the farm sector were ‘ the major contributors.
3. The farm sector grew by 4.4% inthe second quarter of the fiscal year 2010-11. ‘ Which is! are correct?
1)1&3 2)2&3 3)1onIy 4)1,2&3 5) None of the above
39. Agni-ll has a range of
1) 700 km 2) 1500 km
3) More than 2000 km 5
4) More than 3000 km 5) None
40. Which of the following represent the correct order of the Total medal tally in the common wealth Games 2010?
1) Australia – England – India – Canada _
2) Australia – India – England – Canada f
3) Australia — Canada – England – India
4) England – Australia – India — Canada 5
5) None of the above
Directions (Q. 41-55): What should come in j place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?
41. 298.84 + 12.98 +5328.29 = ?
1) 5679.39 2) 5638.29 3) 5640.09 5
4) 5641.49 5) None of these

42. 3753 4 27 4 25 4 2
1)139 2)127 3) 264 4)1315)134
1) 1568 2) 10368 3) 96 4) 578 5) 32
53.5/7 of 3/8 of 4/5 of 238=?
1) 17 2) 153 3) 34 4) 51 5) None of these
54.12.25 * 1.6+ 3.5 * 2.4=’?
1) 28 2) 28.6 3) 149.94 4) 41.64 5) None of these
1) 156 2) 3024 3) 4128 4) 6048 · 5) None of these
Directions (Q.56—70): What should come in place of the question mark (’?) in the following number series questions?
56 3 5 9 ? 33 65
1) 18 2) 15 3) 17 4) 26 5) None
57. 34 ? 39 48 64 89
1) 32 2) 38 3) 37 4) 29 5) 35
58 .21 41 so 157 310 2
1) 615 2) 625 3) 616
4) 619 5) None of these
59. 652 436 311 ? 220 212
1) 252 2) 238 3) 298
4) 247 s) 265
60.? 124 60 28 12 4
1) 250 2) 252 3) 248
4) 254 5) None of these
61 . A sum of money fetches Hs.65280 as comi-pound interest at the rate of 4 p.c.p.a. at the end of two years. What is the sum’?
1) Fts.6000 2) Rs.4000
s) Fts.8000 4) 1%.5000
5) Noneof these f
62. It 20% is reduced from the first number, it becomes three-fourth of the second number. What is the respective ratio between first number to the second number’?
1)15:1G 2) 12:13 3)16:`15
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
63. What is the average of the following set of numbers?
142 156 132 155 146 122
1)136 2)132 )1484) 139 5) None of these
64. It 36 men can complete a piece ot work in 526 days, in how many days can 24 men omplete that work?
1) 16 days 2) 32 days g
3) 39 days 4) 48 days
5) None of these
65. A 310m long train running at 64 kmph speed crosses a bridge in 27 seconds. Find the length of the bridge.
1) 480m 2) 270m 3) 300m
4) 170m 5) 350m
66. The cost of 6 note books and 9 pens is Rs 204. What is the cost ot 14 note books and 21 pens?
1) Fts.334 2) Rs. 476 3) Fls. 238 §
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
67. Sum ot tive consecutive even numbers is 220. What is the second number in descending order?
1) 40 2) 42 3) 48 4) 44 5) None of these
68. A man spends 30% ot his monthly salary on rent, 15% ot his monthly salary on provisions and 25% of his monthly salary on buying cloths. lf he saves Rs.1860, find his annual salary.
1) RS.6200 2)Rs.310O
3) Rs.r4400 4) Rs.72000 it 5) None oi these
69. The difference between 47% of a number and 78% of the same number is 5130. What is 35% ot that number?
1) 24300 2) 12630 3) 9363
4) 11178 s) None of these
70. A shop keeper sells an article tor Rs.874 What is the cost price ot that article?
1) Rs.760 2 Rs.740 3) Rs.750 4) Rs.748 5) None ot these
Directions (Q. 71-75): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow.Following table gives the number of two wheelers (in thousands) produced by Five companies A, B, C, D and E over the years.

71. The percentage lead in the production of two wheelers by company ‘C’ from 2007 to 2008 was-
1) 20% 2) 30% 3) 25% 4) 17.5% 5) 33 1/3%
1. In which of the following companies was the production of two wheelers continuously increase over the years?
1) c 2) D 3) E 4) A 5) None of these
73. In which of the following years was the production of two wheelers of atl the compa- nies put together the maximum?
1)2009 2) 2006 3) 2004 4) 2008 5) 2005
74. Number of two wheelers produced by company ‘B’ in 2007 is approximately what per- cent of the total number of two wheelers produced by the same company in all the years together?
1) 35% 2) 20% 3) 60% 4) 15% 5) 25%
75. What is the respective ratio between the total number of two wheelers produced by companies B and D together in 2006 and the same companies together in 20®‘?
1) 23:21 2) 20:23 3) 20:21 4) 19:20 ‘ 6) 21:20
76. The present ages of Abhi and Ftishi are in the ratio 8:1 respectively. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will be 9:2 respectively. What is the present age of Abhi?
1) 36 2) 32 3) 48 4) B 5) None
77. In an examination it is required to get 40% f the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 126 marks and is declared failed by 32 marks. What are the maximum aggregate Emarks a student can get ?
1) 800 2) 600 3) 400 4) Cannot be determined 5) None of these
78. A sum of money is divided among A, B, and C in the ratio of 2:5:4 respectively. If the share of C is Bs. 240 less than B, then what is the total amount of money?
1) Rs.2640 2) Rs.2150 3) Rs.26B0 4) Rs.295O 5) None of these
79. Number obtained by interchanging the dig its of a two digit number is more than the. original number by 54 and the sum of the digits is 10. What is the original number?
1) 82 2) 37 3) 46 4) 28 5) None
1)2 2)4 B)3 4)2 5)1 6)2 7)3 8)1 9)4 10)1 11)1 12)2 13)2 14)4 15)1 16)2 17)3 18)2 19)2 20)1 21)3 22)1 23)3 24)4 25)4 26)2 27)5 28)3 29)4 30)1 31)1 32)4 B3)3 34)2 35)1 36)2 3)4 38)4 39)3 40)1 41)4 42)5 43)2 44)4 45)3 46)4 47)1
48)3 49)1 50)2 5t)2 E2)5 53)4 54)1 55)4 58)3 57)5 58)1 59)4 60)2 61)3 62)) 63)4 64)3 65)4 66)2 67)5 68)3 69)4 70)1 71)5 72)3 73)4 74)2 75)5 76)2 77)3 78)1 79)4
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