Applications are invited from Male and Female Indian citizens who are ordinarily resident in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala for filling up the vacancies of Constables in CRPF.
- Drivar(Male) : 69.
- Fitter(Male) : 20.
- Bugler(Male) :14.
- Tailor(Male) : 02.
- Cobler(Male):02.
- Carpenter(Male) : 06.
- Pipe Band(Male):05.
- Brass Band(Male) : 08.
- Cook(Male) : 18.
- Water Carrier(Male) : 13.
- Washer Man(Male) : 10.
- Safaikaramchari(Male) : 08.
- Barber(Male) : 03.
- Cook(Female) : 01.
- Water Carrier(Female):03.
- Painter(Female) : 01.
- Buguler(Female): 01.
Vacancies Per States :
Maharashtra : 184.
Gujarat : 95.
Andhra Pradesh : 199.
Tamilnadu : 165.
Karnataka : 115.
Kerala : 61.
Payscale : Rs.5,200 - 20,200 + Rs.2,000.
Agelimit : 18-23 years.
Fee : Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) by means of crossed IPO/Demand Draft/ Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of the Deputy Inspector General of Police of concerned application receiving centre, mentioned above. The IPO/Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque should be purchased / drawn after the date of publication of advertisement and should be payable/encashable at Post office/Bank where the application receiving centre is situated. Applications of Male candidates belonging to General and OBC categories will be straightaway rejected if application fee, as above, is not attached alongwith the application.Male candidates belonging to SC and ST Categories and Female candidates are not required to pay application fee. Similarly, Ex.Servicemen candidates eligible for reservation are also exempted from paying application fee.
How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates, who fulfill eligibility conditions, may send their application in the prescribed proforma duly typed or neatly hand written and filled up in all respects on full-scap paper, affixing latest passport size photograph duly attested on application at the space prescribed for the purpose and two self addressed envelops of 4” x 9” size with Rs. 22/- postage stamps affixed thereon, to the DIGP of Corresponding states given below
ANDHRA PRADESH : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Hakimpet(Post) Rangareddy Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh -500078.
KARNATAKA :The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Yelahanka,Bangalore, Karnataka – 560064.
TAMILNADU : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Avadi, Chennai,Tamil Nadu- 600065.
KERALA : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Pallipuram,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695316
MAHARASHTRA : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Hingna Road,Nagpur, Maharashtra – 440 019.
GUJARAT : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Chiloda Road,Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382042.
on or before 26/11/2012 (26 November 2012). super scribing on the envelop “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE(TECHNICAL/TRADESMEN)–2012” by any available means of post.
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Maharashtra : 184.
Gujarat : 95.
Andhra Pradesh : 199.
Tamilnadu : 165.
Karnataka : 115.
Kerala : 61.
Payscale : Rs.5,200 - 20,200 + Rs.2,000.
Agelimit : 18-23 years.
Fee : Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) by means of crossed IPO/Demand Draft/ Banker's Cheque drawn in favour of the Deputy Inspector General of Police of concerned application receiving centre, mentioned above. The IPO/Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque should be purchased / drawn after the date of publication of advertisement and should be payable/encashable at Post office/Bank where the application receiving centre is situated. Applications of Male candidates belonging to General and OBC categories will be straightaway rejected if application fee, as above, is not attached alongwith the application.Male candidates belonging to SC and ST Categories and Female candidates are not required to pay application fee. Similarly, Ex.Servicemen candidates eligible for reservation are also exempted from paying application fee.
How to Apply : Eligible and desirous candidates, who fulfill eligibility conditions, may send their application in the prescribed proforma duly typed or neatly hand written and filled up in all respects on full-scap paper, affixing latest passport size photograph duly attested on application at the space prescribed for the purpose and two self addressed envelops of 4” x 9” size with Rs. 22/- postage stamps affixed thereon, to the DIGP of Corresponding states given below
ANDHRA PRADESH : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Hakimpet(Post) Rangareddy Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh -500078.
KARNATAKA :The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Yelahanka,Bangalore, Karnataka – 560064.
TAMILNADU : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Avadi, Chennai,Tamil Nadu- 600065.
KERALA : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Pallipuram,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695316
MAHARASHTRA : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Hingna Road,Nagpur, Maharashtra – 440 019.
GUJARAT : The DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Chiloda Road,Gandhinagar, Gujarat - 382042.
on or before 26/11/2012 (26 November 2012). super scribing on the envelop “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE(TECHNICAL/TRADESMEN)–2012” by any available means of post.
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CRPF Website :
The Central Reserve Police Force came into existence as Crown Representative’s Police on 27th July 1939. It became the Central Reserve Police Force on enactment of the CRPF Act on 28th December 1949. It has completed 60 years of glorious history. The Force has grown into a big organization with 207 Bn, (including 181 executive Bns, 2 Mahila Bns, 10 RAF Bns, 6 CoBRA Bns, 2 DM (NDRF) Bns, 5 Signal Bns and 1 Special Duty Group), 37 Group Centres, 11 Training Institutions, 2 CWS, 7 AWS, 3 SWS, 4 Composite Hospitals of 100 bed and 17 Composite Hospitals of 50 bed.
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