West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.
(A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise)
Vidyut Bhavan : Salt Lake City : Sector - II : Kolkata – 700 091
Office Execuitve : 1000 Posts.
Payscale : Rs.6,300 - 20,200 + GP Rs.3,600.
Agelimit :18-27 years.
Recruitment of Sportspersons against reserved vacancy shall be made only to following sports events:
5)Table Tennis
Fee : Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque of Rs.250 as Processing and Examination fees. SC / ST candidates from the state of West Bengal are exempted from paying any fees.
How to Apply :
STEP 1: Visit website www. wbsedcl.in. Go to career@WBSEDCL.
STEP 2: Click on “Recruitment for the Post of Office Executive (Notification No.: MPP/2012/05)” to view the full Advertisement Details.
STEP 3: Read the details very carefully before applying. “Online Application” links are placed at the bottom of “Advertisement Page”
STEP 4: Click on “Apply Online” to fill up the application form on-line.
STEP 5: The candidate would be directed to a page where he/she has to select from New User button (for first time registration or new registration) / Existing user button (for any other requirement related to later stages). Upon clicking the New User Button the candidate is allowed to fill-up his / her application form.
STEP 6: The candidate must fill up the application form as per the guidelines. Information related to important data to be entered would be available in form of hyperlinks at the relevant places. The candidate should check the same and proceed accordingly to avoid committing mistakes. After filling up the form, the candidate should click on the “(1) SAVE YOUR DATA” button. Please ensure that all the information is correctly entered as once the data is saved, no editing would be allowed. The candidate would get a confirmation message indicating that the data has been saved and they can now proceed to upload their respective photograph & signature.
STEP 7: In order to upload photograph & signature, the candidate needs to click on the “(2) Upload Photo & Signature”button. A new window would open up and the candidate should upload photograph and signature. After the candidate has uploaded the photograph & signature, the candidate should close the window.
STEP 8: The candidate should then click on “(3) Preview your Data” button. Here the candidate can view her/his complete application along with the uploaded photograph/signature. The candidate has to click on “Confirm”button. The candidate would get a message “Confirmation Accepted”. Candidate can correct his/her data before clicking on “Confirm” button.
STEP 9: The candidate has to provide his/her consent for the correction of the information entered by selecting the “Declaration” text. Once the candidate clicks on “(4) Submit (Final)” the candidate gets a confirmation message mentioning the “Registration Number” and the other important options that should be noted down for future references.
Note to the Candidates: Please note that the candidate should ensure that the informations provided by the candidates are correct and true. For any incorrect information or misrepresentation the candidature may be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process and Company reserves the right to proceed against such candidate as deemed fit.
STEP10: After Final submission, Candidate must take the print out of Registration Slip, Sign on it, attach the Demand Draft (mentioning Registration no. & Name of the candidate with contact no. at the back) and attested copies of Caste /Disability Certificate/Sports Certificate (as applicable), all testimonials, age proof by Gazetted officer and send the same by ordinary post at the address given below. Only original Registration Slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted.
Important: A candidate who visits the website for the first time is considered as a New User and should use the “New User” Button to fill-up the form. During this process he/she would be assigned his / her Registration Number (User ID).
When the candidate is required to re-visit the site to take a re-print of the application form then he/she has to login as an Existing User by clicking on “Existing User” button and providing the registration number & date of birth subsequently.
Note: After applying online, candidates are required to print the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number. The original Registration Slip with required Demand Draft (having name and registration number duly written on the back of Demand Draft) and all Certificates / Testimonials (as applicable) superscribing at the top of the envelope “Application for the post of Office Executive” is to be sent, only by ORDINARY POST at the following address so as to reach latest by 25/06/2012 (25 June 2012).
KOLKATA – 700016
Candidates should take special care not to staple the Demand Daft. They should use pins for fastening all documents / demand drafts.
STEP11: If your candidature is found eligible you will be intimated by E-mail & SMS latest by 05/07/2012 regarding the written test. On receipt of the E-mail & SMS you will have to once again login to www.wbsedcl.in and go to career@WBSEDCL and click on “PRINT THE ADMIT CARD”.
STEP12: Print the admit card and carry the ADMIT CARD to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein.
STEP 13: The candidates qualifying in the Written Test will once again have to download the Admit Card for Computer Proficiency Test and will have to carry the same Admit Card to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein for Computer Proficiency Test.
for more information please visit http://www.examinationonline.in/wbsedcl291/
(A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise)
Vidyut Bhavan : Salt Lake City : Sector - II : Kolkata – 700 091
Office Execuitve : 1000 Posts.
Payscale : Rs.6,300 - 20,200 + GP Rs.3,600.
Agelimit :18-27 years.
Recruitment of Sportspersons against reserved vacancy shall be made only to following sports events:
5)Table Tennis
Fee : Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque of Rs.250 as Processing and Examination fees. SC / ST candidates from the state of West Bengal are exempted from paying any fees.
How to Apply :
STEP 1: Visit website www. wbsedcl.in. Go to career@WBSEDCL.
STEP 2: Click on “Recruitment for the Post of Office Executive (Notification No.: MPP/2012/05)” to view the full Advertisement Details.
STEP 3: Read the details very carefully before applying. “Online Application” links are placed at the bottom of “Advertisement Page”
STEP 4: Click on “Apply Online” to fill up the application form on-line.
STEP 5: The candidate would be directed to a page where he/she has to select from New User button (for first time registration or new registration) / Existing user button (for any other requirement related to later stages). Upon clicking the New User Button the candidate is allowed to fill-up his / her application form.
STEP 6: The candidate must fill up the application form as per the guidelines. Information related to important data to be entered would be available in form of hyperlinks at the relevant places. The candidate should check the same and proceed accordingly to avoid committing mistakes. After filling up the form, the candidate should click on the “(1) SAVE YOUR DATA” button. Please ensure that all the information is correctly entered as once the data is saved, no editing would be allowed. The candidate would get a confirmation message indicating that the data has been saved and they can now proceed to upload their respective photograph & signature.
STEP 7: In order to upload photograph & signature, the candidate needs to click on the “(2) Upload Photo & Signature”button. A new window would open up and the candidate should upload photograph and signature. After the candidate has uploaded the photograph & signature, the candidate should close the window.
STEP 8: The candidate should then click on “(3) Preview your Data” button. Here the candidate can view her/his complete application along with the uploaded photograph/signature. The candidate has to click on “Confirm”button. The candidate would get a message “Confirmation Accepted”. Candidate can correct his/her data before clicking on “Confirm” button.
STEP 9: The candidate has to provide his/her consent for the correction of the information entered by selecting the “Declaration” text. Once the candidate clicks on “(4) Submit (Final)” the candidate gets a confirmation message mentioning the “Registration Number” and the other important options that should be noted down for future references.
Note to the Candidates: Please note that the candidate should ensure that the informations provided by the candidates are correct and true. For any incorrect information or misrepresentation the candidature may be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process and Company reserves the right to proceed against such candidate as deemed fit.
STEP10: After Final submission, Candidate must take the print out of Registration Slip, Sign on it, attach the Demand Draft (mentioning Registration no. & Name of the candidate with contact no. at the back) and attested copies of Caste /Disability Certificate/Sports Certificate (as applicable), all testimonials, age proof by Gazetted officer and send the same by ordinary post at the address given below. Only original Registration Slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted.
Important: A candidate who visits the website for the first time is considered as a New User and should use the “New User” Button to fill-up the form. During this process he/she would be assigned his / her Registration Number (User ID).
When the candidate is required to re-visit the site to take a re-print of the application form then he/she has to login as an Existing User by clicking on “Existing User” button and providing the registration number & date of birth subsequently.
Note: After applying online, candidates are required to print the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number. The original Registration Slip with required Demand Draft (having name and registration number duly written on the back of Demand Draft) and all Certificates / Testimonials (as applicable) superscribing at the top of the envelope “Application for the post of Office Executive” is to be sent, only by ORDINARY POST at the following address so as to reach latest by 25/06/2012 (25 June 2012).
KOLKATA – 700016
Candidates should take special care not to staple the Demand Daft. They should use pins for fastening all documents / demand drafts.
STEP11: If your candidature is found eligible you will be intimated by E-mail & SMS latest by 05/07/2012 regarding the written test. On receipt of the E-mail & SMS you will have to once again login to www.wbsedcl.in and go to career@WBSEDCL and click on “PRINT THE ADMIT CARD”.
STEP12: Print the admit card and carry the ADMIT CARD to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein.
STEP 13: The candidates qualifying in the Written Test will once again have to download the Admit Card for Computer Proficiency Test and will have to carry the same Admit Card to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein for Computer Proficiency Test.
for more information please visit http://www.examinationonline.in/wbsedcl291/
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