Tuesday, January 10, 2012



CMTI looking for bright fresh Engineering Graduates and Post Graduates with good consistent academic record and aptitude for R & D.

QUALIFICATIONS: First Class Engineering Graduates in Mechanical, Post Graduates in Mechanical /Electronics/Computer Science Engineering – related fields (refer to website for details) with an aggregate of not less than 65% marks in the Degree and Post Graduation.

AGE LIMIT: 26 years for Graduates and 28 years for Post Graduates as on the last date of application. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC / ST and 3 years for OBC Candidates.

REMUNERATION: The period of Apprenticeship will be two years in the case of Graduates and one year in the case of Post Graduates, during which period stipend of Rs.20,000/- and Rs.21,000/-, respectively would be paid. On satisfactory completion of Apprenticeship, they will be eligible for absorption as Scientist-B in the Scale of Rs.15600- 39100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-. Post Graduates will be given two advance increments on absorption. Total emoluments, at the minimum of the scale, would be around Rs.45,000/- (on successful completion of apprenticeship and on absorption).

APPLICATION FEE : Interested candidates may log on to CMTI website for further details and for submission of online application. Before commencement of on line registration, the candidates are required to possess the valid e-mail Id which is to be compulsorily provided in the application and a nonrefundable crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- (Rs.150/- for SC/ST and Women candidates) drawn in favour of CMTI, Bangalore towards application fee. No correspondence or enquiries will be entertained from the candidates about the recruitment process. The Institute is not liable for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidates in this regard. However, necessary information will be posted on our website from time to time. The candidates may register their application online between 16.01.2012 to 31.01.2012. On successful completion of online registration / submission of application, the Candidate are required to write the Application Registration Reference No. on the reverse side of the Demand Draft which shall be forwarded along with copy of acknowledgement generated after successful registration, a recent passport size photograph duly signed and duly super-scribing on the envelope “Application for the post of Apprentice Officer (APO)”, to :
The Chief Administrative Officer,
Administration Department,
Central Manufacturing Technology Institute,
Tumkur Road, Bangalore – 560022,

so as to reach by 04.02.2012 (4th Febrauary 2012).

Advertisement detail : http://cmti-india.net/advt.APO-2012.pdf
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